Thursday, November 19, 2009

What We Learned In School: You'll Be Punished

We learned that...if you get up and walk out of the classroom without asking, you'll be punished

We learned that...if you stick your gum underneath the chair, you'll be punished

We learned that...if you cut in line in the cafeteria, you'll be punished

We learned that...if you're late to class, you'll be punished

We learned that...if you get caught texting, you'll be punished

We learned that...if you throw food, you'll be punished

We learned that...if you're not nice to others, you'll be punished

We learned that...if you don't do your homework, you'll be punished

We learned that...if you don't dress properly, you'll be punished

We learned that...if you don't have a pass in the hall, you'll be punished

We learned that...if you don't attend school, you're parents will be punished


  1. you have similiar things that we do in our poem...copy cat...stinking gum underneather ur chair..."Who does that?"

  2. Wow you got caught texting? that is embarassing.

  3. who dresses properly to school anyways? lol nice poem though.

  4. This is good, but depressing. You must have been punished a lot.

  5. All in all, you learnt to be punished at school lol

  6. better luck next time on texting.

  7. I like the you'll be punished part. Great poem.
