My strongest memory from taking English 109.01, is reading the book Ordinary Resurrections, by Jonathan Kozol. To me it was a book that helped me to realize what many children around the world, not just in the Bronx, New York, have to deal with each day. I see how precious life is and how lucky I am to have all the things that I have. I learned many things about the writing process, such as how to write an essay that was worth reading, and how to start off a paper which was my struggle in the beginning of this class.
It was tough to choose one writing that I really liked or wanted to read, but the one that I chose is Never Shall I Forget. It is a poem that I wrote about the day my little sister, Sofia was born. I would have to say that that day was one of the happiest days of my life. Waiting for her for nine months was tough because I wanted so bad to be a big sister again and hold a precious little baby in my arms. Her being born, showed me a lot about myself and I realized that something so little could bring such happiness to so many people, including myself.
Never Shall I Forget
Never shall I forget that cold January afternoon
Never shall I forget snow flakes the size of quarters,
falling from the ocean blue sky
Never shall I forget the time I waited
Never shall I forget the day I saw her
Never shall I forget the light in her eyes,
that shined like the brightest star in the sky
Never shall I forget the joy she brought me
Never shall I forget the moment I held her
Never shall I forget the sound of her cry
Never shall I forget calling my friends and telling them
Never shall I forget bringing her home in her little pink blanket
Never shall I forget watching her sleep
wondering how something so little could bring so much peace
Never shall I forget thanking God for her
Never shall I forget the day my baby sister was born
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